POSABLE- Domain 4 – Spiritual

The next domain is spiritual;value judgements.

Our spiritual nature is the intent of our actions. We can develop a natural sense of value which then can be further informed by our nurtural and cultural experience. For some it is informed by personal or cultural faith.

Spirituality can impact the other domains, particularly in our response to pain, loss and death. Our sense of value and the depth of our judgements. An expression of our desires, demands, judgements and conclusions. Jurisprudence is the essence of rule of law living. Many counsels as a jury and prudence in decision making. (OPTIONAL)

The root domain can further inform the domain of discernment.

Sensing resonance in the physical, emotional and rational domains is influenced by this domain. Finding a RESTFUL position. A sit able position that becomes suitable. In turn create a stand and becoming understandable.

The depth of our stance in a tendency towards peace. Action in a safe space at a pace that is safe. A sacrament totality of being. A deep sense of our self, environment and other individuals.

A sense of the unique treasures that humanity and the world are.

I have come to see this as a glass issue, getting the full pint and being even handed. Glassful activity creating a glassfulness. In contrast to half glassed optimism or pessimism. I have also recognised glasslessness that is “hearding”, silo creating through ignorance.

The value of genuine contemplation.

Consideration of content, intent, temperament and placement. Quality of space awareness and pitching of your tent. The setting of sail for your ship. Your ship’s worth. Paradigm examination, testing the parameters, optics, metrics and perceptions.The present of presence and exploitation of pretence.





Two excellent roots of pondering are

Unflattening and Apeirogon

Setting the challenge to unflatten the uniqueness and shape of our perceptions.

Further guided by The UN Charter , UNCRC and UNCRPD . Accountability, Continuity and Transparency

RE-SONA-NCE – about(RE) SONA and Notional Childhood Experiences(NCE) (a revision of CCE ). Could also be Notional Community Experience. Prompting also DIS-SONA-NCE, where contention of SONA exists.

Restful actions of peacefulness

Genuine ACTions

(Accountability, Continuity, Transparency)

Anamorphically sensitive in glocal anam cara.

The Role of Value Systems in Conflict Resolution (Abbas Aroua, et al. | Cordoba Peace Institute Geneva – TRANSCEND Media Service)

Ethical practice

Depths of listening to the extent of capability and capacity.

A spectrum between pathology and pathetic, with the sympathetic, empathetic, apatheia and apathetic

I2insights (Integration and Implementation Insights)

Value based relational wisdom

Contextually safeguarding

Ombudsman principles

Unique possibilities (UNICCE)


Restorative justice, considering the score just as it is. More than preserving just ICE

Plumbing the depths of love, goodness and eternity reducing exploitation, corruption and abuse.

Noting that I have placed my SONA on the record.

Kohlberg scale

Moral development

Expressing humility ( Latin word “humus”- ground,earth, soil.) Prompting a journey from compost to composure, taking time to examine “roots”, “nature”,”nurture” and “culture”. UNICCE developments.

Credit for simply being yourself , expressing your PERSONA a unique journey begins starting with yourself

A Theory of Justice (Rawls)

Liberalism and the limits of Justice (Sandel)

Updated 5/24